Miniature Print Challenge

I don’t always participate in art calls, but when I do it’s because I have a ton of ideas I need to test out in a compact format.

Plus, having a deadline keeps me in the studio.

*Coming Soon: Mini Prints will be available in the Print Shop

I call this the mini print challenge.  Nearby and worldwide galleries call for miniature works to exhibit a greater quantity of art (by scaling down size limitations). 

This time around my goal was to create depth in a tiny space. I started out by re-imagining my Jokulsarlon painting and using printmaking as an advantage to be more methodical in my outcome. In this series I further experiment with color and topsy-turvy ice forms. The blocks used are only 4 square inches or 2”x2”. To create a miniature world inside that space was my own personal challenge. To compensate for limited surface material, I kept my layers to a 3 color reduction process and used paper white for more than highlighting. In all I created two dozen 2”x2” mini prints in a course of 12 weeks. Of the dozen, 10 were made into editions.   

Now that I have a good amount of ideas tested out, I’m ready to get back into a larger production.