Weather Report at MAG

Weather was certainly a theme this weekend as temps almost reached 70, Weather Report had its opening reception at Mamaroneck Artist Guild (MAG).  

 In the show my large woodcut Glase Waves had its debut centered up high on the gallery walls, while also representing the show in MAG’s marketing materials. As one of their new members, it was exciting to have that honor.   

Glase Waves is a 30x42” four color reduction woodcut print and was created with two others Stratatella and Calving. More on this can be read here on a previous post ‘Contemporary Abstract Icescapes’.

 The work in the show ranges from prints, paintings, sculpture, photography, weavings, to wearable art such as jewelry and scarves.  If you’re in the area it is absolutely worth checking out soon.  Weather Report runs from January 8-25th, 2020.   
